Free guideline: How to make your vegan business work

People in front of a counter
Veggie World am 07.10.2017 in München. Foto: Andreas Gebert

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Tips and tricks of how to make your participation at VeggieWorld a success!

Very often we are asked, how to make the two days at VeggieWorld as efficient as possible, how to get the most out of it and how to reach potential customers. For this reason, we have established a free guideline for you! Enjoy reading and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further help – we are here for you!


Make sure, that you are prepared well and early enough (!) for your participation at VeggieWorld. There will always be „Last Minute“ issues, so be ready to handle them. We now give you a small check list which lists the most important „To Do’s“ of your preparation (and there are certainly more):

  1. Have enough products ready! If you are not sure about the quantity, don’t mind to ask us for our experience. Be careful with fresh products and calculcate your expected sales to avoid a loss. If possible, prepare a ‚back-up‘.

  2. Inform about your product. Don’t forget to establish and print brochures and posters about your products. Visitors want to learn more about them. Make it easier for them by handing them out information.
  3. Use your voice. Use all your communication channels to talk about your presence at the show: where can visitors find you, what can they expect at your stand… E-Mailings, social media or mouth to mouth!
  4. Be an eyecatcher. Attrack the visitors by an individual, corporate branded, welcoming decoration. Use natural, selfmade, recycled or creative decoration ideas to make your presence as attractive and as catchy as possible.
  5. Action! Would you rather go in an empty room or a room with toys and acitivities? Right! The best way to get clients to your stand is by animations: quizz, raffles, signatures – there are many ways to animate your stand (just be careful to not bother the other exhibitors with your activites ;-))
  6. Helping hand. A show is hard work. During two days, you will meet thousands of clients. Think about getting people to help out at your stand. Not only during the show but also before (preparation and stand installation).
  7. Last but not least. Stay in contact with the people you have met at VeggieWorld. Maybe they haven’t bought your product, but they can be still interested. Refer to your social media channels or let an open mailing list at your stand where they can note their contact data.


Each VeggieWorld is different due to its location: sometimes we can provide stand packages, but sometimes you can also just rent a space. In each case, never forget about equipping your stand wether through us or by bringing your own material:

  1. Walls/Construction: it is important to point out your own stand with walls or an entire construction. In most cases, wall elements are 1m wide and 2.50 m high, you can easily decorate them with banners or postesrs
  2. Electricity: maybe you don’t need it, but if so, check carefully how much electricity you need. Especially food stands which are cooking all day long, need a higher electricity access than others.
  3. Furniture: How do you want to present your products? On a table? In a display? On a shelf? There are several options, choose the best for your products…


Each brand, product and person is different. Be aware that you have only two days to present it to a thousand of potentiel clients. But as each product and approach of a brand is different, we can only give you some ideas on your way so you can personalise them as you wish 🙂

  1. Free workshops! Visitors love to participate at small (free!) workshops at the stands. An example: you have a fashion brand specialised in bags accessoires, which is why you could create a workshop around the fibres and/or creating a small bracelet to take back home (nice memory!)
  2. Tasting session, oh we love it! Visitors are often afraid of buying an entire package when they don’t know the food inside. Make them try it for free at your stand and it will help the consumer to discover your product
  3. Meeting a Pro. Yes, why not inviting an expert to your stand for a short (or long) question and answer round, a presentation or a simple „Get together“. Creating an exchange, getting help from an expert of turning vegan or getting engaged in vegan activism…
  4. Raffle or competition. Always a good idea – organise a raffle or competition at your stand about veganism, your product or your brand. It will help you to playfully inform about you, but it will also be a pleasure for the participants to participate and win your product or a basket with products


This is always a question of budget, but if you have some left, we suggest you to invest it into advertisement whether with a facebook or instagram campaign or with the opportunities of VeggieWorld such as having an ad in the fair catalogue, being mentioned in our promotion flyers or more. Just contact our team to learn more about it 🙂


We hope that this guideline could help you a little bit or gave you at least some ideas. Please feel free to send us your comments, share this article with your network or contact one of our team members. See you at the next VeggieWorld!